Musosoup Coverage Types – What are they and what can they help you achieve!

If your music is accepted onto the Musosoup platform, you can expect to generate a variety of coverage from different curators. We believe it’s a good strategy to get a range of content —from reviews and interviews to radio play and Spotify playlisting.

This approach will give you great assets and collateral to promote your music across different channels and to a range of audiences. For example, a glowing review on an indie music blog can boost your SEO, ensuring that when someone Googles your artist name or release, you’ll appear on the first page. On the other hand, Instagram stories and reels are excellent tools for promoting your release to both existing and new fans on social media.

One word of caution about playlisting: while it can sometimes be valuable for exposing your music to new listeners, don’t rely solely on playlisting. It's essential to take a holistic approach to promoting your music. Invest in generating a broader range of complementary coverage that can be used for different purposes.

Coverage you can expect to get on Musosoup:

1. Online Reviews: These are golden nuggets! Reviews on blogs or music platforms boost your credibility both in and outside the industry and introduce your music to new audiences. They also add to your online SEO, in turn making you easier to find by a quick Google search – invaluable!

2. Online Interviews: These are typically in a Q+A style, remember, personal connections matter. Interviews give fans a peek behind the scenes. Share your story, inspirations, and quirks. It’s a chance to build a loyal fan base.

3. Online Features: Features are spotlight moments. These will be long form, creatively written and quite in-depth. These really get to the heart of you as an artists and what your release is about.

4. News Posts: These are short, informative and to the point, focussing on the essential details of your release. A lot of the time they will largely draw from information in your press release and are designed to tell audiences you have a new release out. So, don’t expect a big word count or a lot of creative work here. 

5. Print Reviews and Interviews: Old-school cool! Print media still matters. Magazines and newspapers reach a different crowd. Plus, you’ll have a tangible keepsake!

6. Podcast: Podcasts have very attentive listeners, so getting your track featured on a podcast will connect you with a very niche audience. Not to mention it’s something different to share on your socials to break up the various other types of coverage you’ll be getting.

7. Radio Play: There’s a lot to be said for repeated exposure, getting your music on a radio playlist for repeated plays to what’s typically a very engaged audience is invaluable.

8. Spotify Playlists: The holy grail! Getting on curated playlists boosts streams. Aim for the ones that match your vibe and genre. This is also a go-to free alternative on Musosoup. And although not all the playlists have a massive following, simply getting added to a decent playlist has enough of an impact when it comes to Discover Weekly’s etc.

9. SoundCloud Playlists: Indie heaven! SoundCloud playlists introduce you to fellow artists and fans. It’s a supportive community and a great way to get your music in front of new audiences.

10. YouTube Features and Videos: Visual magic! YouTube is where music meets visuals. Features and videos keep fans engaged. You might soundtrack a video, or you might get offered to be featured up front and centre.

11. Facebook & Instagram Stories: Short and sweet! Stories disappear after 24 hours, but they leave an impression. Share snippets of your journey, music videos and more.

12. Live Sessions: Authenticity overload! Live sessions capture raw emotions. Fans love seeing you perform unplugged.

13. Instagram Reels: Bite-sized brilliance! Reels are addictive and have proven to have quite the reach, whether you’re the main focus or the soundtrack. You never know what’s about to go viral. Either way, it looks good to get your music out there across multiple platforms and formats.

14. TikTok Posts and Features: TikTok has been quite the powerful tool in rocket-fuelling musician’s careers, but it’s very hard to get it right. Partner with influencers who are getting it right, and know how to use TikTok effectively. This will typically be your music playing in the background of an influencers post.

15. TikTok Feature Posts: Collaborate! Other TikTok creators can feature your music. This will put your music up front and centre. They work especially well if you are already on TikTok. Maybe propose a duet? Aim for people whose fans will align with your music.

Remember, each offer type has its unique benefits. Choose wisely based on your goals. And if you’re unsure, our team is here to guide you so please get in contact.


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